3、语言简洁,清楚明白 :为了保证对方能够读完全文,求职信应言简意赅,不写与主题无关的内容,少用冷僻字,行文要流畅、自然。
(三)求职信的主要内容:谋求的职位不同,求职信的内容和写法 也会稍有不同,但一般来讲,求职信的内容都要具有以下四个方面:
……此处隐藏1791个字……t-4/cet-6. my english ability is good enough to read, write and communicate with others.
i am seeking a challenging position as a materials mechanical engineer for metal materials designing , organizes performance and technics analysing, welding and metal materials surface modified etc.
the enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. im confident that employing me is a kind of investment for you. if you think that the record of mine qualified me for a start in your company please contact me. i would very appreciate if i have an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.
thank you for your consideration.
your early reply will be very appreciated.
sincerely yours